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Thursday 7 April 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 25 March 2011

This was a very serious day of all days.  We had to wind up, this means we had to stand in front of the group and who knows who to do a presentation.  Uncertainty, anxiety and all scarry feelings were in my mind. 
For the morning session, we had three presentations which I wished were not there so to prepare myself.

International vs. African Librarianship / Dr Buhle Mbambo-Thata

As librarians we have to reflect moral equality with the rest of the humanity.  We have to represent our organisations and Africa with dignity to other contries.  We have to be accountable and contribute informed and well researched ideas.  If we are not sure of ourselves as a profession and refer to us "just a librarian", the next person will not see us as valuable.

We have to think globally and act locally.  We need to be innovative and be active within the LIASA Body.  If we are serious about our profession, we should look into being active internationally and join international bodies like IFLA.  This will will really make us grow.  Librarians should strive towards being teachable individuals and excel in what they are doing.  We need to be reliable and brand our image/culture so that we may attract the younger generation to the profession.  As leaders we must be accountable, ethical and responsible for our profession.

The vision for libraries in SA - DAC Perspective / Puleng Kekana of DAC)
Session cancelled

The way forward for libraries in SA / Christine Stilwell

Christine shared with the group what needs to be considered to take our profession forward.  These were some of the things that were identified:

Identifying community needs so to provide the right services
Focus on libraries as social spaces and provide resources as needed
Focus on families (all university community in a university setup)
Inculcate the culture of reading
Focus on access ICTs
Balance the physical and digital environment
Brand libraries for best reputition

The following are the main issues of the day:

Information literacy
Education and training
Assertive LIS professionals
Developing a culture of reading
Equitable services


Group presentations

Groups were given assignment to work on that had to be presented on this particular day.  Everyone had a part the they would present and powerpoint was used as a presentation aid.
All went according to plan and the storm was over.


Ujala wrapped up and individuals shared their experience at the academy.  It was a very emotional session, we all were tired but it was difficult to say goodbye.

Gala Diner

The mood changed, everybody was dressed up for the final occassion.  The venue was up to standard and were treated like kings and queens.  There were speeches in between meals.  Food, wine and softdrinks were served.

What an experience!!!!!  Carnegie Leadership Academy is a must for all Librarians.  I am more than grateful for the opportunity and experience.

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