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Thursday 7 April 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 22 March 2011

The dynamic organisation / Johan Greef

This was a day after we had visited the Constitutional Hill.  Johan greef made us aware of a  "living organisation".  We have to learn from the past but find ways and means to carry on and make a difference.  We  as leaders and librarians have to be constantly aware of political, economic, natural, social and technical issues to made decisions.  Time has come for librarians to manage libraries as business units.  Librarians should choose to adopt to the relevant issues. 

We had an exercise of looking through an object that was placed on the table and covered with a cloth with holes on it.  Each one of us had to share what he/she could see through the hole.  In conclusion we realised that from different angles, different size holes we could not all see the same picture.  Through comminication and sharing, we managed to guess what we thought it is that was covered by the cloth.  This shows that teamwork is better that a individual effort.

We learnt about the importance of having objectives and sharing them with staff.  The benefits are that human resources would be fully utilised, role conflict and ambiguity would be reduced as everybody would be sure what is expected of them; objective appraisal criteria is provided and it makes it easy to identify problems.

The most important lesson for all of us was the effectiveness of teamwork.  Individual and team performances need to be managed in order to ensure effective performance improvement and growth of individuals.  Also, the importance of recognising achievement and celebrating successis very necessary for motivating employees.

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