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Tuesday 22 March 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 21 March 2011

Multiculturalism in the workplace / Sean Moodley

We learnt that we need to take reality into consideration when dealing with diversity issues  in the workplace.  These are race, culture, sexuality, religion, etc.  Diversity issues are there and will not disappear on their own, we need to deal with them.  It is true that we all feel comfortable with people tht look more like us.  We must be tolerant and learn to accept things that we do not like but cannot change.  It is highly important that we have a broad understanding of where we are at the moment as a country, be it politically and economically. 

Transformation is the buzz word of the day. It is the process of change.  To transform, as an organisation, we have to begin with individual transformation.  South Africa as a country is moving forward but it seems individuals are left behind in terms of transformation. 

It is important that as leaders in the library, we need to make our colleagues understand the reason for them to transform, what it is that they need to change and the "how" would come naturally.  Libraries must change with time and serve the communities with information that is valuable to them.  As libraries, we need to explore means and ways to make our libraries useful to our users. 
We have to evaluate ourselves and the services that we render and transform where necessary in order to be efficient.  We have to improve our skills, knowledge and services on an ongoing basis. 

Visit to the Constitutional Museum and Court

This visit was to create awareness of where South Africa is coming from.  It was suitable for the day as it was Human Rights day. We watched a video of the apartheid era where victims were sharing their most painfull experineces of the time.  We then had a jail tour and saw exhibitions that celebrate South Africa's journey from its struggle against apartheid to the new South Africa.  We also visited the Constitutional court.

It is important for all South African youth to visit the Constitutional Hill so that they can see and learn about the History of South Africa.  This will make them understand where South Africa is coming form and maybe they would grab all opportunities that are available to them with open hands.

This was a very touching event, I cannot say much about it, it makes me very emotional.

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