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Sunday 13 March 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 13 March 2011

I was not sure if I would make it from 8h30 to 21h00 on a Sunday but I had to wait and see.  The program looked quite interesting but I did not trust my energy levels.  To my surprise, I managed to wake up without an alarm clock, I prepared myself for the day.

I joined the group for breakfast at 08h00 then proceeded to the conference room.  The first session was HBDI (Herman Brain Dominance Instrument) personal and group profiling.  The facilitator was Prof Ann De Boer of the Department of Information Science in the University of Pretoria.  Wow! she has a remarkable personality.  She kept us on our toes, we laughed our lungs out right through the presentation and before we knew it, it was time for the next session which was graduation (of the previous group that attended the Academy before us) lunch.

The venue for the lunch was well draped with colourful table settings.  My group set on the same table with the graduants.  The graduation and the lunch took almost 3 hours and it was very motivating to see graduants receiving their certificates and listening to their motivational speeches.

After lunch, it was back to square one, the conference room to continue with HBDI with Prof Ann De Boer.

The last session about Campbell Leadership descriptor was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.  It was 18h00 when we finished and we went for dinner.

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