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Monday 21 March 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 18 March 2011

Friday the 18th of March was marked as a full week since we arrived at the Villas Hotel for the Carnegie Academy.  We had 3 presentations for the day i.e

1.  Responsible leadership/ Prof Derick De Jongh
2.  Introduction to knowledge management / Marietjie Schutte and
3.  Innovations and thinking outside the box for South African libraries/ Prof. Johannes Cronje

Prof Derick De Jongh raised the following important issues about responsible leadership:
  • Global crisis and leadership interventions when dealing with disaster management. 
  • Ethics, the ability to distinguish between right and wrong
  • Active consciousness, to do what you believe and to live an examined life taking the right decisions.
Introduction to Knowledge management

We learnt about the need to have knowledge management in our organisations.  Amongst the benefits of implementing knowledge, I have identified the following as most crucial ones:
KM helps to drive strategy; It helps individual employees to do their jobs better; keeps people up-to-date; develops a professional code of ethics to be followed by employees; builds organisational memory.

The lesson I learnt is that Knowledge management helps employees to know more about their customers, products, technologies, and peers in order to perform better.

Innovations and thinking outside the box for South African libraries:

From this topic I learnt that we as librarians, need to protect our users information overload.  We should use our expertise to direct our clients to information that is useful to them.  In academic libraries, we should have faculty libraries for instance whereby users would not have to sift large volumes of books that are not relevant to their studies.

We learnt about group dynamics and the relevance of team work.  Individuals must understand the benefit of positive interdependence to reach a common goal.  For further understanding of the subject one need to read the book 7 habits o highly effective people: powerful lessons in personal change/Covey, S.

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