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Monday 14 March 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 14 March 2011

It was another day not knowing what to expect but I made it.  It was raining for the first time since we came to the Academy.  I had nothing to protect to protect myself from the rain but then it did not matter as all venues were nearby.

We started the day by an interesting and informative session presented by the National Librarian, Mr John Tsebe.  This was to give us information on the location of libraries on the National agenda.
The next presentation was LIASA and our leadership roles.  We were made to understand that we Librarians are LIASA and it is very important that we become active in the Consortium and take the library profession forward.

After the teabreak, we had to motivating and inspiring presentations by Prof Bothma followed by practical exercises of where we are currently, how we want to be in future and what we would like to achieve as librarians. 
The next presentation was presented by Rene Schoombe.  She shared with us  her development to where she is with her carrier and she showed us examples of how she raises funds for the Rustenburg school library where she works and also showed us some video to ease our minds.

After lunch Ujala Satgoor facilitated the Campbell leadership tool descriptor tool activity.  We were grouped into four groups and used the results of all individuals in the groups from the tool and see which were the strong points in the each tool.  We then discussed each group's results and identified the groups' areas of development.  The activity was very interesting.

The last activity for the day was a game named PAMOJA.  This was confusing at the beginning but was fun and made us to think deep after time was up.

It was then dinner time and time to do homework thereafter.

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