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Sunday 20 March 2011

4th Carnegie LIASA Leadership Academy 16 March 2011

We continued with John Moalusi but today it was a different topic: "MAXIMISING HUMAN CAPITAL". 
We learnt how to formulate a strategy for Human Capital and considering all the legislation about Human Capital i.e the Constitution of RSA; Labour relations; Basic conditions of employement; Contract of Employment and common law.  This is done because of the relevance to treat all individuals fairly.
It is importatant to guide individual employess in the work place, communicate with them, give them a chance to give you feedback, monitor them and reward them for the work well done.  This will ensure job satisfaction as well as production in the organisation.

I  learnt that it is important to identify talent and nurture it, communicate problems and find solutions to them.  Accept critisism and work on it.  We need to form communities of practise, share our knowledge with fellow colleagues so to retain the expertise within the organisation even if people leave the organisation for various reasons.

Organisations should strive towards being employers of choice by enticing potential employee to want to work for their organisations.  Employees should optimise performance, organisations should offer attractive packages in order to maximise the strength of the business.

The topic was very educating and interesting.

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